Inspiration Tours

We in SoLua want to share what we learned along these years of hard work, so that it can serve others. Therefore from time to time we host groups and individuals for tours in our project.

The tours may include an overview of natural and sustainable building, off-grid living, how to start a project, family life in rural Portugal, and whatever can be of help and interest to others.

On the tours we view building methods like Taipa, cob, clay, straw, wood, limestone etc.; our off-grid systems – biogas, water cycles, solar, rainwater harvesting etc.; Permaculture methods we use – swales, lakes, soil amelioration, gardening; as well as building events facilities, camping areas, kids playground, fire protection methods and more.

The tours are on donations, and we are available in between our busy building, maintenance and creative tasks.

If we can help you, please fill out the form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.